Saturday 28 March 2015

How to Purchase 3D printing Jewelry?

It is every little girls dream to create a one of a kind piece of Jewelry. This has been incorporated in many toys and books aimed to children such as  “My First Jewelry book” or Crayola’s "Jewelry Boutique".
@ Michiel Cornelissen Creative Commons 2012

We all have the interest to be creative, do it ourselves, and create masterpieces that we can say that’s what we did. So why not try to make a career out of it and instead of buying premade beads from stores like Michaels or The bead shop we print out own.
Every female wants to feel unique and special. So purchasing a 3D printer that allows them to custom design a ring, necklace, bracelet or broach would be key to making their day. Depending on how much money you have to spend a machine could cost between $200-$1000 upwards if you want to get high tech and high quality. I’d only suggest doing this if you were interested in getting into the business of creating jewelry that involves gems and precious stones.  If you are a guy wanting to do something special for the girl of your dreams you can always custom order a piece from a company that is designed specifically to print 3D jewelry and surprise her with not only a piece of art but something that you have put a considerable amount of thought into. Some examples are:

  1. ·       JewelDistrict, where users can upload their creations and then choose the finishing, base metal and stone settings
  2. ·       Shapeways where there is a selection of items to browse through and pick a perfect gift prices starting as low as $6 for a bracelet
  3. ·   .  Studio-ePosh is located in the Netherlands and creates one of a kind designs for a number of accessories

@Rachael Creative Commons 2012
Many of the companies that offer these types of ideas are located in Asia and surrounding areas. They have truly expanded on this notion and taken it to a whole new level. Something to thing about is if you are serious about creating small pieces of art for others to enjoy this might just be a good investment to bring to the area—you would definitely be on the cusp of the industry that seems to be gaining momentum in popularity. What kind of jewelry would you design?

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